
If sub-components (sub-queries) are created for a component, then during execution the results of all sub-components are merged as input to the query component. This corresponds to the logical operator OR (standard behavior).

With the Link component, you can convert logical operations using operators other than OR:

A link evaluates the results of several sub-queries to an overall result. The results of the sub-queries are linked by an OR, AND or (e)X(clusive)OR operation.





The Queries property displays the query components that have been configured for the query. The result of the queries is used as input for the execution of this query.
If no queries are created, the result is obtained directly from the current context.

You also have the option here to configure new queries via the text box or the buttons to the right of the text box.

Logic operation

Select here the operator of the logical link of the objects that come in as results of the sub-components.

  • OR: All objects of the intermediate results of the sub-components are considered in the overall result (default behavior even without using this component).

  • XOR (exclusive or): An incoming object is only considered in the overall result if it is exclusively the intermediate result of a single sub-component.

  • AND: An incoming object is only considered in the overall result if it is present as an intermediate result of all sub-components.


You can activate the enabled attributes of a query and condition in the Variables property so that they can be changed by users at the time of execution.

See also: Chapter Variables.