Version query

The version query searches for all objects of certain categories for which the selected versions exist in the specified period.





The Queries property displays the query components that have been configured for the query. The result of the queries is used as input for the execution of this query.
If no queries are created, the result is obtained directly from the current context.

You also have the option here to configure new queries via the text box or the buttons to the right of the text box.


Reference here the categories of the objects to be searched.

Consider parent categories

This property is also used to search the objects of the categories that have a searched category as parent (or also those of the incoming objects).

Include categories of incoming objects

With this property, in addition to the configured categories, the categories of the incoming objects are considered.

This option is useful if the query is to be used generically for any object.

Example: In order to determine all objects of the same category to the selected object.


Enter here the number of days to search if versions have been created.

Example: If 4 is entered here, the system searches whether versions have been created in the last 4 days.

Version selection

In the Version selection property you can select which versions are taken into account when searching for versioned objects:

  • New versions (in database) (time query that lists new versions of any objects in a given time period)

  • All versions (downwards/upwards)

  • Selected version

  • Last version

  • All objects included in the version (lists all versioned objects of the selected version)

  • Last released version

  • Previous released version


You can activate the enabled attributes of a query and condition in the Variables property so that they can be changed by users at the time of execution.

See also: Chapter Variables.