Drawing (report component)

The Drawing evaluation type outputs the Aeneis drawings BPMN diagram and freehand diagram. The page layout that is set in the drawing is taken for the drawing.




Diagram output

Enable WebModeller

Displays the button in the menu bar of the diagram, which can be used to open the diagram directly in the WebModeller.

Quickinfo height (Details component)

No longer relevant for portal 7.

Quickinfo width (Details component)

No longer relevant for portal 7.

Show chart profiles in dropdown menu

When this property is enabled, chart profiles, if configured, are displayed for selection in a drop-down menu in the drawing.

Fit chart to page size

If this property is enabled, then the size of the drawing is automatically adjusted to the page size.

If this property is disabled, then the drawing is initially displayed in its original size.

Highlight properties initially

Via these properties you can set for BPMN diagrams which details should be initially highlighted for the shapes.

Highlight comments initially

Highlight references initially

Highlight triggered events initially

BPM Portal
Open subcharts in tabs

Enabled: All diagrams that are found are displayed in individual tabs.

Disabled: All diagrams that are found are displayed below each other.

Use context menus for object navigation

No longer relevant for portal 7.

Diagram height Here you can enter the height of the drawing (e.g. 200px).
Allow horizontal / vertical alignment

No longer relevant for portal 7.

Enable WebModeller

Activated: A button is displayed in the drawing in the Portal that allows you to open the drawing directly in the WebModeller.

Disabled: No button is displayed in the drawing in the Portal that allows you to open the drawing directly in the WebModeller.



Here you can define attributes or queries that determine either drawing objects or objects that contain drawings.

If drawing objects are determined, then they are output.
If objects are determined that reference drawing objects, then the referenced drawing objects are output.

Normally this configuration option does not have to be used. However, if, for example, not all diagrams of a context object are to be output or diagrams of subobjects are also to be output, then you can configure this here.

Include in list of figures If a list of figures is reported in the report, this property will include the drawing in it.

Categories can be referenced under this attribute. This can limit the visibility / execution.

Most application scenarios require category and access control related visibility.

The logic of the evaluation is as follows:

  1. If at least one category is specified, the object must be an instance of that category. Otherwise, no evaluation of the category are carried out

  2. If at least one user group is specified, the current user must be a member of at least one of these user groups

  3. If at least one Access Control List is specified, the user must have the View permission in the Access Control List

  4. If at least one condition component is specified, at least one condition must apply.

If this logic is not sufficient, a differentiated logic can be configured via the condition components.

Font icon Here you can select a Font Awesome icon that will be displayed for the drawing in the SystemAdministration.
Details component Here you can configure a component that determines the display of the details.