Report components

Report components are the individual building blocks that can be created in object formats and that define how the object format is structured and looks. Report components are created in a Portal 7 report under the Content entry.

Overview of report components:




Query condition

See also: Chapter Query condition



See also: Chapter Paragraph (report component)

Report component

Alphabetical register

Outputs a tab in which the contents are sorted alphabetically and listed under the corresponding initial letter. Contents of the register are all objects of the defined categories. In order for the objects to be reported, a corresponding report component must be configured.

Layout component

Attribute filter search

Outputs a search in the BPM-Portal, which can be used to search for attributes of objects of certain categories. In addition to the selected categories in the search, attributes can also be selected and searched. The search results are displayed in a table.

Note: If custom sources are configured in the output table of the Attribute filter search component, they will be overwritten by the results in the BPM-Portal during a search.


  • Search for usage: If this property is activated, only objects that were referenced in the defined attribute in previous versions are offered for selection in the attribute filter search. If this property is deactivated, all possible objects of the database are offered for selection in the attribute filter search in the filter

Portal component

Attribute value

Outputs the attribute value of the defined attribute in the defined object. In which object the attribute is evaluated can be set in the Reference use property:

  • Target object

  • Attribute

  • Source object

  • Relationship object

Portal component


Outputs the versioning tasks for an object in the release process. The Tasks component can be evaluated on all objects that are in the release process.

Portal component

Switch to version

In tables where object versions are output, radio buttons are output in a column that can be used to switch to specific versions or working drafts.


  • Draft mode:

    • Activated: to switch to the draft copy of the object (context object must not be a version)

    • Disabled: To switch to a version of the object (context object must be a version).

  • Selected icon: An icon can be stored here, which is displayed as a selected option field.

  • Icon not selected: Here you can define an icon that is displayed as an unselected radio button.

Portal component

Output table

Displays a table in the BPM-Portal in which the objects are displayed that have been selected or are the result of a search.

When configuring the component, the table columns can be determined (e.g. attribute values, work steps, component container, path...). The values to be output in the table can also be limited to certain categories.

Important feature:

Output type:

  • Reference

  • Target object

  • Source object

Portal component

AWF Action

Workflow component


See also: Chapter Tree (report component)

Report component

Tree table

See also: Chapter Tree table (report component)

Report component

Conditional query

See also: Chapter Conditional queries


Conditional filter

See also: Chapter Conditional filter (query)


Border layout container

This component is used to structure other components. This component can be used to create a container with Top, Bottom, Left, Right and Center sections. Any component can be output in each of these areas.

When configuring the component, the following settings can be made for the entire area or each individual area:

  • Margin: distance to component border/marginal (e.g. 10px or 5%).

  • Padding: distance of the content to the container border/padding (e.g. 5px or 13%).

  • Background: color (e.g. #6AAF23), tiling

The following additional values can be configured for the Top, Bottom, Left and Right areas:

  • Height

  • Width

Note: In areas where components are assigned, valid values for height and width must be set, otherwise display errors may occur.

Note: The values must be entered in valid CSS commands.

Layout component


See also: Chapter Image (report component)

Report component

Date condition

See also: Chapter Date condition



Outputs the diagram of the selected object in the BPM-Portal.

See also: Chapter Diagram (report component)

Report component

Diagram query

See also: Chapter Diagram search (query)



Outputs the document of a selected activity. The following details are output:

  • Label

  • Version

  • Responsible

  • Document type

Portal component

Print button

Outputs a button that can be used to print the current object contents. In order to define which content should be printed, a PDF report must be configured and stored.

Portal component

ERWF Action

Workflow component


Portal component

Email notification

The component provides an overview of the change notifications currently subscribed to by the user.

Portal component

Flex container

Layout component that outputs the defined content in tiles.


  • (Tile) height

  • (Tile) width

  • Horizontal alignment: defines how the tiles are placed on the horizontal axis:

    • placed on the far left (flex-start)

    • placed on the far right (flex-end)

    • center placed (center)

    • evenly distributed from left to right with spaces in between (space-between)

    • evenly distributed from left to right with spaces in between and small spaces left and right (space-around)

    • evenly distributed from left to right with equal distances in front, behind and in between (space-evenly)

  • Vertical alignment: defines how the tiles are placed on the vertical axis

    • placed at the very top (flex-start)

    • placed at the very bottom (flex-end)

    • center placed (center)

    • evenly distributed from top to bottom with spaces in between (space-between)

    • evenly distributed from top to bottom with spaces in between and small spaces at the top and bottom (space-around)

    • fill in the complete space (stretch)

  • Arrangement: defines whether the tiles are arranged

    • side by side (row)

    • next to each other in reverse order (row-reverse),

    • among each other (column)

    • one below the other in reverse order (column-reverse)

  • Wrap: defines how the tiles are wrapped

    • (wrap),

    • wrapped and displayed in reverse order (wrap-reverse)

    • not wrapped (nowrap)

  • Padding: defines the spacing around the tiles

Layout component

Set condition

See also: Chapter Set condition


Category condition

See also: Chapter Category condition


Category query

Outputs a search through which all objects of certain categories can be displayed. The categories are displayed as links. By clicking on a category, all objects of the category are searched and displayed.

See also: Chapter Category query


Combination condition

See also: Chapter Combined condition


Component container

This component creates a container that outputs components as a table.


  • Table cells can be aligned horizontally or vertically

  • Spacing can be defined for cells and cell contents

  • An HTML template can be used for the table

  • Cells can be outlined using a stylesheet

Layout component


See also: Chapter Context (query)


CIP Action

Workflow component

Layout container

This component creates a container that can be used to output content components in a table structure. The size of the table and the arrangement of the components can be configured in the properties.

Layout component


See also: Chapter List (report component)

Report component


In this component, a velocity macro is defined that determines the evaluation and output of selected objects or their attributes. The objects can be selected directly or determined via a search component.

Portal component

Macro / free text

Report component

Macro query

See also: Chapter Macro query


Macro condition

See also: Chapter Macro condition


Mathematical function

See also: Chapter Mathematical function



See also: Chapter Matrix (report component)

Report component


Outputs a button that can be used to create new objects.


  • Icon: An icon can be defined in the portal component, that is displayed for the New button

  • Show new attributes: In the portal component, this attribute can be used to set that attributes can also be created via the New button.

  • Show only transitions: This property is used to specify that only the transitions that are referenced in the Start Transition property in the portal component can be executed via the New button. For the transitions the respective transition icon is displayed here

Portal component

Numeric condition

See also: Chapter Numeric condition

Object renderer

See also: Chapter Object renderer component

Report component

Object link

Outputs the defined attributes of a selected or referenced object as links.

Portal component

Object comparison

Outputs a button in a table that can be used to compare the selected object versions of the table. With the Object comparison component, a version comparison can be configured independently of the history table.

Portal component

Reference condition

See also: Chapter Reference condition


Reference query

See also: Chapter Reference search



Outputs an object as a single tab. Via this layout component the appearance of a single tab can be defined

Layout component


Layout component that outputs the defined content components as tabs, accordions or navigation bar in the Portal.


  • Set property Implementation to the desired display format (Tabs, Accordion, Navbar)

  • The Toolbar property can be used to define buttons and text that will be additionally displayed in the tab

  • If the report component is configured as a navigation bar, an image can be stored in the Navbar title image property, which is displayed in the header of the navigation bar

Layout component


Portal component

Set object button

Outputs a button that opens the context of the defined object. In this component, the Set version selection to property can also be used to configure which version of the object should open

Portal component

Set view button

Outputs a button that opens the defined view.


  • In the Display property, configure which view is displayed when the button is clicked

  • In the property Set version selection to configure which version should open

  • Activate the Reset selected object property to reset the selected object

  • Activate the Hide button after login property so that the button is only displayed if there is no login yet

Portal component


See also: Chapter View (report component)

Report component

Special function

Component that provides a special function or outputs a certain information. The following functions are available as special functions:

  • Counter

  • Arithmetic Average

  • Minimum

  • Maximum

  • Sum

  • Multiply

  • Successor

  • Successor Activities

  • Predecessor

  • Predecessor Activities

  • Copies

  • Copy of

  • Source object(s)

  • Chart number

  • Row number

  • Current user notifications

  • Current user

  • Session object

  • Portraits Diagram(s)

  • Landscape Diagram(s)

  • Added to: evaluates when an object was added to another object via a specific model object list attribute

  • Random object selection: selects a given number of objects from a set at random

  • Relevance

  • Search result text (index)

See also: Chapter Special function


Sorting by property

See also: Chapter Sort by property (query)


Sorting by category

See also: Chapter Sort by category (query)


Sorting by path

See also: Chapter Sort by path (query)



See also: Chapter Table (report component)

Report component


Outputs a defined text or graphic. If a URL is stored, clicking on the text/graphic opens the web page.

Portal component

Text comparison condition

See also: Chapter Text comparison condition



See also: Chapter Link


Version query

See also: Chapter Version query



See also: Chapter Drawing (report component)

Report component

Permission condition

See also: Chapter Access condition
