Create navigation entry

You can create your own navigation entries in the Portal 7 navigation bar, which you can use to open specific objects and views or websites.


You can create and configure navigation entries in Portal 7 reports in the Navigation section.


  1. In the SystemAdministration under BPM-Portal, open the Portal 7 report

  2. Create a new navigation entry in the Portal 7 report under Navigation using the context menu:

  3. Configure the navigation entry via the properties:

    Property Description

    Enabled: The navigation entry is displayed in the Portal.

    Disabled: The navigation entry is not displayed in the Portal.


    Categories can be referenced under this attribute. This can limit the visibility / execution.

    Most application scenarios require category and access control related visibility.

    The logic of the evaluation is as follows:

    1. If at least one category is specified, the object must be an instance of that category. Otherwise, no evaluation of the category are carried out

    2. If at least one user group is specified, the current user must be a member of at least one of these user groups

    3. If at least one Access Control List is specified, the user must have the View permission in the Access Control List

    4. If at least one condition component is specified, at least one condition must apply.

    If this logic is not sufficient, a differentiated logic can be configured via the condition components.

    Object or view

    Reference here the category, object or a view to be opened via the navigation entry.

    If you enter objects of the categories Organizational unit , IT system, Role, Documentor Key figure here, an org chart of the object and its children is automatically displayed in the Portal.


    Enter a URL here that should be called up when clicking on the navigation entry in the Portal. If you enter here the link to another Aeneis Portal, then add in the link "object=GUID of the Portal".


    Open link in a new tab

    Enabled: The link entered under URL is opened in a new browser tab when you click on the navigation entry in the Portal.

    Disabled: The link entered under URL is opened in the same browser tab when you click on the navigation entry in the Portal.

    Show children

    Enabled: If an object containing child objects is opened via the navigation entry, the child objects are also listed in the navigation.

    Disabled: If an object containing child objects is opened via the navigation entry, only the object without its child objects is displayed in the navigation.

    Info text

    Here you can enter a text that is additionally displayed in the navigation entry as highlighted info.

    Font icon Here you can select a Font Awesome icon to be displayed for the navigation entry.