Show and hide demo data

In Aeneis you can show and hide demo data. The demo data shows contents of a fictitious company, such as processes, roles and employees.

Users with administrator rights can show and hide the demo data in Portal or in SystemAdministration.

Show/hide demo data in Portal

Requirements: The following start parameter is set: -Daeneis.demoEnvironment=true

  1. Open your user settings in Portal

  2. In the Global settings tab you can switch the demo data on and off using the toggle button:


If demo data has been switched off in the Portal, new data will be displayed automatically.

Switch demo data on/off in the SystemAdministration:

  1. Open the SystemAdministration

  2. In the Apps area, activate or deactivate the SampleContent entry via the context menu:

Show/hide new data:

Users with administrator rights also have the option of showing and hiding new data in the SystemAdministration. New data is empty content that has been created for basic company areas in Aeneis and can be filled in by users. In this way, users can start more easily in Aeneis, e.g. by no longer having to create process maps from scratch, but can just model them ready.

Note: New data is useful when demo data is already hidden.

  1. Open the SystemAdministration

  2. In the Apps area, activate or deactivate the NewContent entry via the context menu: