Display network diagram via a diagram box

You can display the network diagram of a specific context object via a diagram box in customized tab views or on homepages.

Requirements: The category of the context object must be stored in a valid network diagram profile.

Example: For the Portal homepage, configure that the network diagram of the legal entity Sunshine Holding is displayed.

Configuration example of a network diagram for the homepage

If you want to display a specific network diagram on the homepage, proceed as follows:


  1. In the SystemAdministration under BPM Portal, open the Portal 7 report

  2. Create a new chart box in the Portal 7 report under the homepage entry via the context menu:

  3. Enter the name for the diagram box and confirm with Enter

  4. Optionally configure the diagram box via the properties

  5. Drag & drop the new diagram box in the tree to the position where you want the network diagram to appear on the homepage

  6. Create the Network diagram component under the diagram box via the context menu:

  7. Enter the name of the new component and confirm with the Enter key

  8. Configure the new component via the properties and enter a legal entity for the object, for example:


The context object's network diagram is displayed on the Portal homepage according to the configured sequence.