Workflow email jobs

In SystemAdministration, various email jobs are created by default in the Services area. You can use these email jobs as templates in configured query jobs and customize them. These query and email jobs affect the email messages that are sent in the workflows.

The jobs search for specific workflow objects depending on the configuration. They evaluate the settings of the workflow objects and send email messages if these workflow objects have been configured accordingly. Each email job refers to the associated type of notification email or resubmission.

Note: The names of the email jobs start with CIP (Continuous Improvement Process). However, the email jobs work for the Continuous Improvement Process and the Extended Release Workflow.


The function of an email job is defined by its class. The class describes the technical processes that are implemented when the email job is applied. The class is entered in the properties of the respective email job.

Attention: These classes must not be modified or deleted.

The following table shows the classes of the respective email jobs:

Email job


Reminder email


Escalation email





The email jobs are triggered by corresponding attributes and settings:


Responds to...

Notification job

  • the Reminder date attribute (ID 76216161_AC1E_007C_0188_6BFE8CA7606D)

  • the setting (activation) in the email message reminder email.

Resubmission job

the Resubmission attribute (ID 1E7DF96C_AC1E_009A_010A_CFBECB4ADF72)

Escalation Job

  • the Last Notification Date attribute (ID DF878D46_AC1E_009A_01E9_23091F5178D5)

  • the setting on the email message days before end date...days after end date

  • Notification repetitions