Highlight missing information in the diagram

When modeling diagrams and shapes, it is possible to highlight shapes for which certain information is not defined. This way, you can see at a glance for which shapes certain information is not available. These shapes are displayed transparently in the diagram.


  1. Open a diagram in the WebModeller

  2. Open the properties of the diagram

  3. Under Drawing Settings, click the Add reference button for the Details-present-fields property:

  4. In the Add Reference(s) dialog, locate the appropriate field. Start the search by clicking Search

  5. Select a field and confirm your selection with Select:

  6. In the Transparency on missing details property, define the percentage of transparency for shapes that are missing the information defined in the Details-present-fields property:

  7. Click Save to apply the changes


Shapes without the defined information are displayed transparently in the diagram.