Highlights in the version comparison

In the Compare [...] dialog, the differences between the two versions are highlighted. In the left structure tree, differences are highlighted by symbols. Differences are highlighted in color in the right-hand area:

Tip: Hover over the header of the dialog to see the scopes of the two versions:

Symbols in the structure tree:




Object was added between two object states


Object exists in Object 1 state, but does not exist in Object 2 state


The object exists in the object 1 state and object 2 state, but was changed


Children of the object were changed


Object does not exist in Object 1 state, but exists in Object 2 state


Object was removed between two object states

Highlights in the area of change:



Green underlined highlight

Element was added

Red, crossed out highlight

Element was removed

(Arrow up with number)

Element has moved up x positions in the model tree

(Arrow down with number)

Element has moved down x positions in the model tree