Evaluation logic for classification
The evaluation logic for the classification of scopes takes effect under the following conditions:
The hierarchization of scopes is enabled.
The classification of scopes is enabled.
Several session scopes are active.
If the requirements are met, Aeneis additionally observes a differentiation by scope class during the evaluation.
If one or more scopes are referenced in the Valid for and Invalid for attributes of the object, the following happens:
All classes of the referenced scopes are determined.
The evaluation logic is performed separately for each class.
Note: If the check of one or more classes fails, then the object assigned to a scope is not visible.
Example: Classes are typically organizational units, product lines or regions. Categories within these are:
Organizational units: departments, divisions, etc.
Product line: truck, car, etc.
Region: continent, country, etc.
See also: For more information on hierarchization, see Classification and hierarchies of scopes.