Change comment state

With the comment state you can process comments, e.g. regarding their implementation, and also show other users the current processing state of the comment.

Requirements: You are the creator of the comment or have write permission on the context object where the comment state is edited.

You can see and change the state of comments either in the My Comments dashboard or in the comments drawer of the context object. By clicking on the State button in the respective comment card and corresponding action you can change the state.

Depending on the state, you can set a new comment state by performing a specific action. By default, the following states actions are available:

State Actions and new state
  • Implement: The comment state changes to Implemented.

  • Reject: The comment state changes to Rejected.

Implemented Reopen: The comment state changes again to Open.
Rejected Reopen: The comment state changes again to Open.

See also: How to add new states and actions or edit existing ones is described in chapter Configure comment state.

Automatic emails on status change

Aeneis sends automatic emails to certain recipients when the status of a comment changes:

  • As the object responsible, you will receive an e-mail when the status of a comment has been changed in this object.

  • As a comment creator, you will receive an email when the status of your comment has been changed.