
With scopes you control which areas of the Aeneis enterprise model a user can see. Through targeted configuration, you restrict the view of a user or a user group (directory objects) to specific subareas of the enterprise model.

Note: The owner of objects and users with administrator rights can see objects even if they are restricted by scopes.

With scopes you restrict the visibility of:

  • Model objects

  • Model object versions

  • Report components (print reports and Portal reports)

Potential use cases:

  • In the Portal, restrict the user's view of the enterprise model.

  • Model the enterprise model in WebModeller using scopes. Restrict the model overview and reference editors to objects of a specific scope.

  • You can also use scopes in combination with Access Control Lists (ACL). By configuring scopes in combination with ACLs, you individually control the view of users and user groups of model objects.

    Note: Strict control of permissions must be performed via Access Control Lists (ACL). Scopes filter the user's view of the overall model and work complementary to ACL. See also chapter Access Control Lists (ACLs).