Contents in My tasks
The following content is reported in the task dashboard:
Initially, the Current tasks area is displayed. In the current tasks, you can see tasks and acknowledgements that you can currently perform.
If you click on Task tracking in the dashboard header, you will see tasks that you have created and acknowledgements that you have performed.
Group tasks
If a task has been assigned to an object in which several users are grouped together, the task is displayed as a group task. If you are the first to complete the task, the group task also disappears from the current tasks for everyone else.
Example: Objects in which several users are grouped are e.g.:
User groups
Personal tasks
If a task has been explicitly assigned to you personally, e.g. as an employee or user, the task is displayed as a personal task.
Different task types
Various tasks are listed in My tasks, such as:
General tasks
Release tasks
Risk tasks
Regular review tasks