Areas and functions of the comment feature

The following central areas and functions belong to the comment feature:

Dashboard My Comments

In this dashboard with filter function, which you open via the left Portal navigation, you can see all comments that concern you. In this area you can change the status of a comment or navigate directly to the process where the comment is located:

Notifications via the Portal header

The Notifications in the Portal header will notify you as soon as comments or replies are created by another user that concern you.

Automatic emails

Aeneis sends automatic emails to certain recipients for the following comment-specific actions:

  • As a comment creator, you will receive an email when your comment has been answered.

  • As the object responsible, you will receive an email when a comment has been created in this object.

  • As the object responsible, you will receive an e-mail when the status of a comment has been changed in this object.

  • As a comment creator, you will receive an email when the status of your comment has been changed.

Comments button

The Comments button opens the comments drawer, from where you can perform comment-specific actions on the process and its details.

In the Portal, you can find the button in the content area of the commentable object:

In WebModeller you can find the Comments button in the toolbar:

Comment Drawer Comments

In the Portal and in WebModeller, to the right of the properties area is the drawer Comments. In this area you can create and answer comments regarding the object or the object attribute that was selected. The comments drawer also presents an overview with a filter function of all comments, replies and comment statuses on the object and its details, such as child objects or attributes.

Comment status

In the My Comments dashboard or in the comments drawer, you can change the status of comments. For example, you can change the status with the Implement or Reject transition.