Comment feature

The comment feature allows you to comment objects, such as processes or documents, and their object attributes in the Portal and in the WebModeller.

In addition, further comment functions are available to you:

Outcomes you achieve with the comment feature

The comment feature is especially made for readers, modelers and process owners.

As a reader of a process, you can achieve the following outcomes with the comment feature, for example:

  • Point out an error to modelers or process owners

  • Make an improvement suggestion to modelers or process owners

  • Ask modelers or process owners questions about a process

  • Referring other employees to a process content by mentioning them in a comment

As a process owner or modeler, you can use the comment feature to achieve the following outcomes, for example:

  • Respond and react quickly to new comments thanks to the Notification Center

  • Process all comments on a process and its details in a consolidated view with filter function