Substitution function

You can use the substitution function in Aeneis to delegate workflow transitions for which you have been assigned to a substitute. You can plan your absence in the Portal and assign the employee who is allowed to act on your behalf.

Scope and advantages of the substitution function

  • You can easily define substitution rules via the user settings:

    • Plan your absence

      See also: Set absence

    • Assign your substitute and define whether he/she may act on your behalf at all times or only in your absence

  • Your substitute can take over all transitions for which you are assigned.

  • In the My Tasks dashboard, you can easily see which tasks you are allowed to perform on behalf of others thanks to the special labeling and the filter function.

  • Various notifications in the Portal and emails keep absentees and substitutes up to date on effective substitution rules and absences that affect them.

  • Use the substitution function in the Portal out-of-the-box without complicated configuration.