Task Management

In the task management in the Portal, tasks can be created and assigned to users. In the My Tasks section, you will find a dashboard with filter function with all your tasks in the Portal.

As soon as something changes in your tasks or a new task is assigned to you, you will be informed via your notifications (in the menu bar):


  • Create task: The task workflow starts with the action Create task. When you create a task, you can assign it to a user who will be responsible for task implementation. The status of a task can be changed via the context menu. New created tasks have the status Task waiting for processing. The standard procedure is that the task is then forwarded from task implementation to testing. The the user assigned as task implementation additionally has the option to complete the task directly, delegate the task, reject the task or cancel the task. The creator has the possibility to assign the task to him/herself or to delete the task.

  • Forward for testing: When you forward the task for testing, you can assign a user as the task tester. The task tester then receives a notification and the task is assigned for testing. Tasks that have been forwarded for testing have the status Task waiting for testing. The standard procedure then is that the test is completed by the assigned task tester. The task tester additionally has the possibility to reject the task or to delegate the task. If a user group has been assigned as the task tester, one of the users can additionally assign the test to himself/herself.

  • Complete test: When a task has been forwarded for testing, the assigned task tester can complete the test. When the test is completed, the task implementer receives a notification. Tasks whose test has been completed have the status Task tested. The standard procedure then is that the task implementer completes the task. However, the task implementer also has the option to delegate the task or cancel the task. If a user group has been assigned as the task implementer, one of the users can additionally assign the task to himself/herself.

  • Complete task: A task can be completed after it has been created or tested. When a task is completed, the creator receives a notification. Completed tasks have the status Task implemented.

  • Assign test to me: If a task has been forwarded to a user group for testing, one of the users can assign the test to himself/herself. The person who assigns the test to themselves is then assigned as the task tester.

  • Decline task: If a task has been forwarded for testing or rejected, the corresponding person can decline the task. Declined tasks have the status Task declined. When a task is declined, the creator can see the task in the task dashboard in the Task tracking tab.

  • Delegate task: A task can be delegated to another person after it has been created or tested. When a task is delegated, the person to whom the task was delegated receives a notification and is assigned as the task implementer. Delegated tasks have the status Task waiting for processing. The task implementer then has the option to forward the task for testing, complete the task, delegate the task, reject the task, or cancel the task.

  • Assign task to me: If a task has been assigned to a user group for implementation, one of the users can assign the task to himself/herself. The person who assigns the task to themselves is then assigned as the task implementer.

  • Reject task: If a task has been assigned to a person, this person can reject the task. When a task is rejected, it is always rejected to the creator of the task and gets the status Task rejected to creator. The creator then has the option to complete, delegate or cancel the task.

  • Cancel task: If a task has been created, tested or rejected, the task can be canceled. Canceled tasks have the status Task canceled. When a task is canceled, the creator can see the task in the task dashboard in the task tracking tab.

  • Delete task: If a task has been created, the task can be deleted again by the creator. Deleted tasks have the status Task deleted.

Note: Users with administrator rights can have more execution options than described here.