Functional groups and license groups

In Aeneis, there are system groups that are created by default to control licensing. These system groups are divided into functional groups and license groups. Users have appropriate access permissions to areas and functions in Aeneis, depending on which groups and Access Control Lists (ACLs) they are assigned to.

Note: In order for assigned users to be able to use the rights of a group, it must also be taken into account which license type and how many licenses are assigned to the group. See License types.

Functional groups

Once users are created in Aeneis, they are assigned to the Guest group. This group membership cannot be removed. This group has access to the Portal and can see released items there by default (view permission).

See also: For information about the Guest user, see Users Anonymous and Guest.

In order for users to edit content in Aeneis, they must be assigned to the Users group. Depending on which additional license group these users are assigned to, they can edit content in the Portal and in WebModeller.

Users assigned to the Administrators group have administrator rights and can access administrative areas. Depending on the additional license group to which these users are assigned, they can edit and manage content in the Portal, WebModeller, SystemAdministration, UserAdministration and FatClient.

License groups

Users of the WebModeller license group can access the portal and WebModeller. In addition, they can use SmartModel and SmartEdit in the Portal. In order to manage users within this license group, they can be assigned to different modeler groups.

If users are assigned to the Client Model er license group, they can access FatClient, UserAdministration, SystemAdministration, WebModeller and the Portal. In addition, they can use SmartModel and SmartEdit in the Portal.

The SmartModel license group has access to the Portal and can use SmartModel and SmartEdit there.

The SmartEdit license group has access to the Portal and can edit content there.

Users in the Collaboration license group have access to the Portal. There they can use the collaboration functions and thus comment on, review and rate objects.

The license group Release workflow (extended) (Workflow-ExtendedRelease) can use extended release workflows.

The Wizard-Workflow license group (Workflow-Wizard) can use wizard workflows and CIP workflows.