Attribute types

When you create an attribute, you can select the data type of the attribute:




Attributes of type String can take values with arbitrary strings of letters and numbers.


  • First name of employee

  • Email address of employee

  • Comment

Model object

The type Model object attributes can be created whose value can be an object.

To be able to assign objects as attribute values to an attribute (property) in the model overview, add the categories of the objects that should be able to be assigned as a reference to the category attribute in the Schema.

Example: In the attribute Substitute, objects may be assigned to the category Employee.


Category attributes with Integer type can be created for entering or selecting an alphanumeric value. Alphanumeric values can be integers without decimal places, alphabetic or alphanumeric.

Configure integer attribute with selection list:

For category attributes of Integer type, you can define a value list that appears in the properties of the model object as a drop-down selection list of values. To do this, enter the individual values in the attribute in the Value list property.

Floating point number

The Floating point number (float) type can be used to create attributes with a floating point number (number with decimal place) as value.

Boolean value

Category attributes with the Boolean value type are displayed as options that can be enabled or disabled.


The Date type creates an attribute for entering or selecting a date.

Directory object

In attributes of the directory object type, users or groups can be selected as values.

Example: The attribute Owner.


Access control lists (ACL) can be selected in attributes of type Access control list.

Only one ACL is allowed per object.


Attributes of type Query are virtual attributes.

For virtual attributes of type Query, the attribute values are determined dynamically based on a result of a stored query.

See also: More about queries under Queries, Reports & Report Components.


Attributes of type Report components are virtual attributes.

For virtual attributes of the Report components type, the attribute values are determined dynamically based on a result of a stored evaluation.

See also: More about Report components under Queries, Reports & Report Components.

See also: When you create an attribute, different options are displayed in the Create dialog, depending on the selected type. For more information, see Attribute creation options.