Properties of the object Email / message

For each type of email notification, a separate e-mail object Email / message must be created. In the properties you define the content and function of the respective email. For email objects there are the following email properties:




Here you enter subject of the email. You can use text and velocity macros for this. You can additionally enter the subject in German.


Here you select users or groups that will receive the email.

Example: When a group is selected, the members of that group will receive the corresponding emails.

Notify days before end date

This configuration concerns Escalation emails. Here you specify with an integer how many days before the end date an email notification will be sent.

Notify days after end date

This configuration concerns Escalation emails. Here you specify with an integer how many days after the end date an email notification will be sent out

Repeat after end date

This configuration concerns Escalation emails. Here you specify with an integer the interval at which an email notification is sent.

Reminder email

This configuration concerns Reminder emails. If you enable the option, the message will be sent as a reminder email.

BPM Portal

Here you specify the Portal to which the link of the email should lead. For each email you can set a link to a specific portal.

If no portal is stored here, the link in the email leads to the portal entered in the email service. If no portal is selected in the email service, the email will be sent to the first registered portal.


Here you enter the content of the email. You can use text, velocity macros (template) and queries for this purpose.

You can store the content in different languages. The language of the content of the email object is then based on the language selected for the label.

Recipients attributes

Here you can select directory objects that will receive the email. You can also specify the recipients via macros and queries.

Report component

Here you can configure evaluations for the content. If an evaluation is configured, it will be used.

App Here you can define the app context of an email. If the user clicks on the linked object in the email, he/she navigates to the object within the app that is referenced here. If no app is referenced here, the user navigates to the object in the Portal.

Attention: Only one of the following email properties may be defined for an email object:

  • Notify days before end date

  • Notify days after end date

  • Repeat after end date

  • Reminder email