Table (report component)

With the report component type Table you can create a tabular overview with e.g. object and attribute contents.

Nested tables:

To nest tables, you can create a table in a column.

If the nested table is the only cell content of this column, the header rows of this table and the parent table can be merged. To do this, activate the option Merge header rows with parent table in the embedded table.




BPM Portal

Excel export

If this property is activated, the table with its currently displayed columns can be exported to an Excel file. You can define a template for the Excel export.

Total height

Use this property to define the total height of the table. If a fixed height is defined here, the table header is fixed, i.e. when scrolling in the table, the table header always remains visible at the top.

Header row height

Enter here the height of the header with the corresponding abbreviation of the unit of measurement:

  • px for pixel

  • mm for millimeter

  • % for percent

Total width

Enter here the total width of the table with the corresponding abbreviation of the unit of measurement:

  • px for pixel

  • mm for millimeter

  • % for percent

Frozen columns Enter here the number of columns that should always be fixed and visible when the table is scrolled horizontally. The first x columns are always fixed.

Show filter initially

This property is used to initially display the filters in the table columns, which can be used to filter the table contents. The filters can be hidden and shown via the menu in the table.


Use this property to set how the table should be initially sorted.

Column to sort

Define a table column in this property that specifies the initial sorting. You can manually (re)sort the table in the Portal by clicking on a column header according to the selected column.

Show toolbar

This property displays a menu of table actions in the table header.

Show search view

Relevant for the portal 2.

Details from column X (search view)

Relevant for the portal 2.



This shows which queries or attributes are configured as rows. You also have the option here to reference or create queries and attributes via the text box or the buttons to the right of the text box, which determine the row objects of the table. If multiple attributes or queries are configured, one table is created per query/attribute.

Merge headers with parent table If in a column a nested table is the only cell content of this column, this property unites the headers of this and the parent table.

One table per object

If this option is enabled, a table will be created for each object determined by the attributes / queries under Rows.


This shows which columns or attributes are configured as columns. You also have the option here to reference or create columns and attributes using the text box or the buttons to the right of the text box.

When you reference an attribute, the category attribute name is used as the column heading and the content/value of the attribute is reported in the column.

If the heading generated in this way is not as desired, or if several attributes or report components are to be reported in one column, you can use the list display.

If nested tables are to be created, also use the Column component and create an embedded table in it.

Column widths

Enter the column widths in percent (%) or centimeters (cm) here.

See also: The Enter column widths chapter describes how to enter column widths in the Type in a string array dialog.

Special case: If a table is nested in this table and the header rows are merged, then the widths also refer to the columns of the embedded table.

Attention: The column widths should be set appropriately, since it can lead to texts being cut off if the columns are too narrow.

Report empty tables

If this option is enabled, the table will be reported even if it does not contain any rows or no objects could be determined for the rows.

List in index of tables

If a list of tables is included in the print report, this property will include the created table in it.


Categories can be referenced under this attribute. This can limit the visibility / execution.

Most application scenarios require category and access control related visibility.

The logic of the evaluation is as follows:

  1. If at least one category is specified, the object must be an instance of that category. Otherwise, no evaluation of the category are carried out

  2. If at least one user group is specified, the current user must be a member of at least one of these user groups

  3. If at least one Access Control List is specified, the user must have the View permission in the Access Control List

  4. If at least one condition component is specified, at least one condition must apply.

If this logic is not sufficient, a differentiated logic can be configured via the condition components.

Alternative text

Enter here the text that will be displayed if the table does not output any content.

Display header

If this option is activated, the header row of the tables is reported. For example, disable this option for nested tables that should not display a header row.

Output mode

  • Reference: If an object appears multiple times in the rows, it will also be reported multiple times.

  • Target object: Exactly the objects that are in the rows are reported.

  • Source object: The objects are reported, through which the target objects were found.

Preload all objects

The option is enabled by default so that all rows in the table are loaded initially.

Note: The option has no effect on tree tables and nested tables. All rows are always automatically preloaded there.

If this option is disabled, only the first page of the table is loaded, which significantly reduces the loading time. The remaining contents of the table are loaded only when required.

Tip: If the table has more than 200 rows, it is recommended to disable the option.

When deactivating the property, the following functionalities are additionally activated:

  • Conditional filters: When filtering the columns in the table in the Portal, the filters are built in a chain (Filter 1 > Filter 2 > Filter 3...) and condition each other. If a value is selected in filter 1, only values that have not yet been restricted by filter 1 can be selected in filter 2. If filter 2 is edited, filter 3 (and all subsequent filters) are automatically reset.

  • Excel export: only filtered rows are exported.

Load from cache

If this option is enabled, users only have to load the respective table once. When the user calls up the table again, the table entries are rendered with an optimized loading time.

Requirements: The Preload all objects option must be enabled.

Tip: It is recommended that you only enable this option for tables whose contents are rarely changed.

Note: A refresh button is available in tables, which you can use to update the table. If you have not refreshed the table manually, it will be displayed as it was when you first called it up. In the table you can see when the table was first called up or updated. Even after a server restart, the table is displayed as it was last updated.

Attention: The option must not be used for editable tables.