Configure dashboard

You have the possibility to create your own dashboards in the Portal. In these, for example, you can list data in tables and report them in interactive diagrams.

Note: Users with write permissions can make changes in dashboards and via the sidebar using SmartEdit. Users without write permissions cannot see the sidebar.

You can create and configure dashboards in Portal 7 reports for the following areas:

You can configure the following content for dashboards:

Configuration of a dashboard for navigation

This example describes how to configure a dashboard for the navigation. You can perform the same steps for tab views and drop-down views.


  1. Open the Portal 7 report in SystemAdministration under BPM-Portal

  2. Create a new dashboard in the Portal 7 report under Navigation via the context menu:

  3. Configure the dashboard via the properties:

    Property Description
    Show description

    Enabled: An area for the description of the dashboard is displayed in the Portal.

    Disabled: In the Portal, the area for the dashboard description is not displayed in the dashboard.


    This shows which report boxes, diagram boxes or quickstart boxes are configured. You can also reference or create content here.


    Categories can be referenced under this attribute. This can limit the visibility / execution.

    Most application scenarios require category and access control related visibility.

    The logic of the evaluation is as follows:

    1. If at least one category is specified, the object must be an instance of that category. Otherwise, no evaluation of the category are carried out

    2. If at least one user group is specified, the current user must be a member of at least one of these user groups

    3. If at least one Access Control List is specified, the user must have the View permission in the Access Control List

    4. If at least one condition component is specified, at least one condition must apply.

    If this logic is not sufficient, a differentiated logic can be configured via the condition components.


    You can enter a description for the dashboard here. If the property Show description is enabled, the description is displayed in the Portal in the dashboard.

    Note: You can also store the description of the dashboard in the Portal in the dashboard itself if SmartEdit is enabled and you have write permissions.

    Font icon Here you can select a Font Awesome icon to be displayed for the Dashboard.