Configure states


  1. Unfold the States attribute under the corresponding category:

  2. Create a new state under the State attribute or select an existing state

  3. To configure the state, open the properties of the state:

    Relevant properties



    Here you can see and change the name of the state.

    Label executed

    Here you enter an alternative name for the previous state in the workflow. In the history drawer in the Portal, the name of the state is replaced by the alternative name in a version card as soon as the state has been passed through.

    See also: For more information about the history drawer, see Version history.

    Example: In the standard release workflow, the label Test pending in the history drawer changes to Test completed once the transition Complete test has been executed. This configuration takes place in the properties of the Release pending state:

    Form layout

    In the Form layout attribute, you can view, reference, and create layouts for the detail view.

    See also: Form layouts

    Start transition behavior

    This attribute controls whether the start transition is offered when an object is created via buttons, context menus or SmartEdit tables.

    • Always use when creating new object: Only the start transition is offered when creating new. The default creation is not displayed.

    • Ignore when creating a new object: The start transition is not offered on new creation. Only the default creation is displayed.

    • Display additionally when creating a new object: The start transition is offered in addition to the default creation.

    Foreign workflow transitions

    Here you can reference the start transition of another workflow in order to switch from the current status to another workflow.

    Relationship states

    You can use this property to extend the execution authorizations of the transitions that can be executed within the state. During the execution authorization of a transition, the execution authorizations of the states that are referenced here as a relationship state are also checked.

    Requirements: The Check view permissions on all workflow states property must be disabled so that relationship statuses are checked.

    To notify

    Here you can use attributes and queries to specifically determine which users are notified via the Portal header as soon as the status is reached in the workflow. This notification type is marked with purple in the Portal header:

    Tip: This allows you to configure individual notifications that go beyond the defaults. Further details can be found under Notifications.


    Here you can see, reference and create the transitions of the state.

    See also: Create transitions


    Each workflow must have a start state. If you enable this property, you define the state as the start state.

    Note: Always define the first state in the workflow as the start state.

    Note: If several states are defined as start states in a workflow, the system only considers the first start state.


    In the Emails property, you can create or reference escalation or reminder emails. These are sent depending on the email job.

    Visible attributes

    Here you can see, reference and create the Visible attributes that are displayed in the detail view.

    See also: Visible attributes


    Here you can see and reference the schema state associated with the state.