Statuses and transitions of the standard release workflow

The versioning of numerous object categories, such as processes and process groups, is bound to the standard release workflow in the delivery state.

See also: The standard release workflow is configured in the Version category Version.

For these object categories, versioning only takes place once the configured steps of the standard release workflow have been completed. The standard release workflow for processes has the following statuses and transitions:

  • Version quick release: When using the version quick release, an object version can be released directly without any further intermediate steps. The object immediately gets the status Version released. Once an object is released, it is visible to all authorized users and can no longer be edited.

  • Create version: Before the standard release workflow is started, the object has the status Version required. If the release for an object is started, then the object is passed on to the testers. The object gets the status Version test pending. The object is no longer editable. In this first step, the examiners and releasers are assigned.

  • Complete test: If an examiner has checked the object and it has passed the test, the object is passed on to the releasers. The object gets the status Version release pending. Here you can also select users who should acknowledge the released version.

    See also: Acknowledgments

  • Reject version test: If an examiner has checked the object and it has not passed the test, the object gets the status Version test failed. From here, the draft version can only be deleted.

  • Grant release: If a releaser has checked the object in a second step, he/she can release it. If the object is released, it is visible as a version for all authorized users. The object gets the status Version released. Only now a new working draft of the object is available, which can be edited further on the state, which was released last. Here you can also select users who should acknowledge the released version.

  • Reject version release : If a releaser has checked the object in a second step and discovered errors, he/she can reject the release. The object gets the status Version release rejected. From here, the draft version can only be deleted.

  • Delete draft version: If a version test or release failed, the draft version can be deleted. The object gets the status Draft version deleted. The object becomes a working draft and can be edited again.

Note: The release workflow shown above is the default as delivered. Via the Extended Release Workflow (ERWF), the standard release workflow can be extended or a custom workflow can be configured. See Configure ERWF.