Create version

When you have finished modeling a process, or want to share an intermediate state for that object, create a version for the object. In the Portal and at WebModeller, this triggers the standard release workflow of processes and process groups.


Trigger the release workflow with the intermediate steps of Test and Release and create a version.

Open Create version dialog

You can trigger releases via the Create version dialog in the Portal or at WebModeller. You can open the dialog in the following ways:

Instruction - Open dialog via More actions in the Portal:

  1. Open the process

    Note: Make sure that the working draft view is active.

  2. Click on in the content area and then on Create version to open the Create version dialog:

    Note: In the Portal and Apps, you can perform workflow actions in the following areas using the More actions button:

    • Object formats

    • Properties sidebar

    • Quick navigation

    • Favorites

    • Search results in the Portal search

    • My tasks

Instruction - Open dialog in WebModeller:

  1. Select the process in the model overview

  2. Click Further actions | Create version on the context menu to open the Create version dialog:

Create version via dialog


  1. In the Create Version dialog, assign examiners, releasers to

    Note: In the release workflow, you can assign employees, user groups and roles as testers, releasers or acknowledgers by default.

  2. Set when to test the version again

    Note: The process owners are reminded of the retest by a notification in the Portal header and an email.

  3. Create a creation comment if required

Note: In the Create Version dialog, the Examiner and Releaser fields are mandatory and marked with *. The Creation comment and the Valid until fields are optional.

  1. Click Create version


  • After the release has been started, a note about the successful action appears in the lower right corner of the Portal:

  • An intermediate version of the process has been created:

    Note: In this state, the version is displayed as an intermediate version, since no release has been granted yet. See also chapter Grant version release.

    See also: More information about the version history can be found at Version history.

  • In WebModeller a clock is displayed at the versioned object. The clock indicates that the object is in an ongoing release process:

    See also: For more information about the different symbols, see Icons of versioned objects.

  • The examiners who have been assigned are allowed to execute the release.

    See also: For more information on execution permissions, see Execution permissions in the standard release workflow.

  • The examiners receive a notification that they has been assigned a release task:

  • The examiners see the release task in My tasks in Current tasks:

  • The selected object is locked for further processing because it is in a running release workflow. In the WebModeller, this is indicated in the properties of the process and in the browser window at the bottom:

  • In the Portal, the process is marked with a red banderole in the process view:

  • The status of the process is set to Version test pending.

  • The object appears in the Pending releases: