Ideas Management

The Ideas Management in Aeneis gives you the opportunity to submit your own proposals and start initiatives so that your company can constantly improve and keep innovating. Proposals and initiatives are recorded centrally in the Ideas Management app, linked to the relevant areas of the company and assigned directly to those responsible.

The Ideas Management in the Portal is configured in a separate app. In the Ideas Management app, there is a homepage and several dashboards that allow you to monitor and manage all proposals, initiatives and derived tasks.

  • Proposal : A proposal is an idea for an innovation or improvement in your company, or an error or ambiguity that you have noticed in an area of the company.

  • Initiative : An initiative is a phase that is started specifically for a certain topic area and in which participants submit proposals on the topic. When the phase is over, the responsible persons and the Ideas Management Committee decide which proposals will be implemented.

Open the Ideas Management:


The homepage in the Ideas Management app shows you the most important quick starts and overviews. Use the quick links to submit new proposals, launch initiatives, or view information about proposals, initiatives, and the Ideas Management Committee.

The diagrams evaluate the proposals and initiatives. Clicking on a value in the chart opens the entire list, from where you can navigate directly to the proposal or initiative.