Attribute properties

The following table describes the properties of category attributes.




Open in report

With this property, the attribute (or property) with its content (value) is initially displayed as expanded in the properties in the Portal.

Display in search result list

As of Aeneis version 6.0, this property is no longer relevant.

With this property, the attribute is displayed in the search results list as a descriptive property.


In this property you can store a file in the attribute. In the Portal, the icon and the file name are output. Click to open or download the file.

References allowed

See also: Chapter Attribute creation options

New objects allowed

See also: Chapter Attribute creation options

New objects to be classified allowed

For attributes in which objects can be referenced (References allowed property), you can use this property to control that new objects can be created temporarily. These objects are then created in the folder Objects to be classified sorted and can be sorted accordingly from there.

For this purpose, you can copy the attribute Objects to be classified under any category.

Note: To disable this property in the whole database, you can set the following start parameter:


Group entry

This property corresponds to the Show group nodes option when creating a category attribute.

See also: Chapter Attribute creation options

Display in tree

Visible in the report

See also: Chapter Attribute creation options


This property controls whether the attribute is available in the model objects.

Note Here you can enter a note for the attribute.

No rights validation

This property allows you to turn off the user rights validation for the category that contains an inverse attribute. In this case, a modeler no longer needs write permission to a model object that contains the inverse attribute.

If you activate this property for a category attribute, then this attribute can be edited programmatically via macros without auser rights validation taking place.

Default value

See also: Chapter Default values for attributes

Attribution category

See also: Chapter Attributed relationship

Maximum length

For category attributes of the multiline string type, you can specify the maximum number of characters that can be entered in this attribute in the Maximum length property

Value list


In this property you can store an icon for the attribute.

Attribute specific rights validation
  • Yes: The authorization is checked specifically for the attribute. The user may only see and edit the attribute if he/she has the permission to do so.

  • No: The authorization is not checked for the attribute, but takes place on the object.

  • Inherited: The attribute inherits the setting of this property from the parent attribute.

Include objects in version

If objects are referenced as values in the attribute, then you can use this property to control whether the referenced objects should also be versioned when the model object is versioned.

Include when comparing versions

  • Yes: If different versions of the object are compared in the version comparison, then the attribute is taken into account in the version comparison and changed values of the attribute are displayed.

  • No: If different versions of the object are compared in the version comparison, then the attribute is not taken into account in the version comparison.

  • Inherited: The attribute inherits the setting of this property from the parent attribute.

Show in the properties area of the WebModeller

  • Yes: The attribute is displayed in the WebModeller in the right properties area of the model object.

  • No: The attribute is displayed in WebModeller only in the properties dialog of the model object.

  • Inherited: The attribute inherits the setting of this property from the parent attribute.

Hideable in the properties area

  • Yes: The property or attribute group is part of the extended properties and can be hidden in the properties pane.

  • No: The property or attribute group is always displayed in the properties and cannot be hidden.

  • Inherited: The attribute inherits the setting of this property from the parent attribute.

Open group initially in WebModeller

Considered in attribute groups:

  • Yes: The attribute group is initially expanded in the right properties area of the model object in WebModeller.

  • No: The attribute group is initially displayed collapsed in the right properties area of the model object in WebModeller and can be expanded manually.

  • Inherited: The attribute group inherits the setting of this property from the parent attribute group.

Export name

In this property you can configure an alternative name that will be used for the attribute during export/import.

Load suggestions directly

Relevant for attributes with the editor type Chosenbox. This feature causes the first selection options to be suggested directly when clicking in the Chosenbox, without having to type in a term.

Ranking of the search hits

Always create relationship objects

See also: Chapter Attributed relationship.

References here may create objects

This property ensures that objects, which can be referenced in another object in the attribute with this property, can create a new object via drag & drop and are directly referenced in it.


Only output objects can be created under the Output object. These output objects have the attribute Document in which documents can be referenced. If the attribute Document has the property References here may create objects and a specific document is dragged and dropped onto the object Output, a new object Output object is automatically created in which the document is referenced.



Configure a query here that calculates the value of the attribute.

Single value result If you have configured a query that calculates the value of the attribute, you can use this property to control that the result should be single-valued.


Configure an evaluation here that evaluates the value of the attribute.

Show in overview

No longer relevant in Portal 7 as of Aeneis 7.

Value assignment

In workflows, you can use this property to assign a value in Transferred Attributes.

See also: Chapter Transferred attributes.

Value selection

For list attributes, you can configure a query here that restricts the selection for value assignment.

Editor type

Here you can select the editor type for the attribute.

Use value selections

This property allows you to control whether the configured value selection is used.

Other attributes
Allowed categories Here you can define the categories for attributes in which objects may be referenced.
Attribute groups Select here one or more attribute groups in which the attribute will be displayed in the properties. If no attribute group is selected here, the attribute is displayed in the General group.
Mention configurations
Font icon Here you can select a Font Awesome icon to display in Aeneis for the attribute.